A few people have been asking me to get some of our pictures from our honeymoon up. Well, here are a few.
On our third day we drove down to Loch Lomond, and stayed a cute little place called the Oak Tree Inn. Not too far away from there was Balloch Castle, a small castle, I think we actually have houses here bigger than it. Behind the castle was this nice paved path. We started to follow it, even though it start drizzling.
Balloch Castle path |
After a short while, we went off the paved path, and onto a well used dirt path. That dirt path kept narrowing, and narrowing until it practically disappeared!
Balloch Castle path |
After a short ways of not really knowing if we were on the path or not, we came to this beauty! It was a perfect example of a babbling brook. I could have sat and listened to the melody of the stream, and forest around me, and watching the water play over the rocks as it tumbled it's way downstream for hours.
babbling brook beside the trail around Loch Lomond |
I came to realize how people could have been considered kidnapped by the Fae, as mesmerizing as this bit of nature was, to have seen it 200 years ago or more, I can only imagine how entranced, and ensorcelled people may have been by it's beauty
Plus we found this stump. I have named it as being a gnome home. Standing there long enough, you could almost swear you saw something darting in and out of the leaves, dodging rain drops, and human eyes.
After a while of following this stream, we rounded a group of trees to see Loch Lomond. In all it's glory, a foggy, over cast day, with a slightly misty rain. I was amazed at how clear the water was!
I don't think I have ever been moved so much by what I've seen as to say that it moved me to tears. Until this. Looking out over the loch, seeing the hills in the distance, standing with my husband behind me, holding me. I started crying. I still cry when I see this. I truly felt at peace, at home, and it's a feeling I will never forget.
After we left Loch Lomond, we traveled up A82 and made our way to Inverness. The picture below is what we saw that was just so perfect, we had to stop and take a picture.
Ah yes, the petrol station, with the most animated lady I've ever met! We stopped to gas, and to grab a bite to eat, they had a little carnival cart outside the station to buy hot food from. We were just going to get some chips and be on our way, but a group of construction workers came up to order their lunch. These were three young strapping lads, and one of them ordered black pudding.
I asked "What is black pudding?" and this lady looked at me completed flabbergasted! Her eyes grew round and wide as saucers, and with a cry of incredulity she asked, dumbfounded "Ye've ne'er 'ad black puddin?" in her beautiful brogue.
"We'll no, I haven't" I said, trying not to laugh at her amazement. "They don't exactly offer it where I'm from".
"Och, weel I'll just have ta fix that up now won't I? I'll make you and your darlin' a wee sample to try" As she set about making her 'wee sample' she chatted with the construction lads, and told them about a special for next week. One of the lads said they wouldn't be there next week and that their project was done and they were heading back to another part of the country. To this, the lady said "Och, weel, ye'll just ha to come back wi'out yer clothes on" and kept on cooking. After about 10 seconds of the construction guys, my hubby and myself looking at each other shocked, she stopped dead in her tracks, spun around to face them with her eyes huge and her mouth hanging open slack at the realization of what she said. "I didnae mean it like that! I meant wi'out yer work clothes, in yer normal clothes!"
The laughter that ensued had me crying, and clutching my sides. She was by far the most animated lady I've ever met. If I ever go back, I WILL be going there again. She handed us our 'wee sample' of black pudding, she had made a sandwich out of it, and gave us a whole piece to split for free. It was very good! No, you don't want to know what's in it. We got back in our car, and kept traveling north, continuing to laugh randomly at the little lady from the Glencoe petrol station.
Ok, that's all for now, need to go make some bread!