Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Making the switch, for good!

SO a while ago I posted that I was switching to baking soda and vinegar for my hair care routine and I would post back about how it works. I wanted to wait a few months because my hair has a tendency to react wonderfully to new stuff, then all of a sudden freak out a few months later. So far


Not only is it cheaper, it's actually easier as i no longer have to fight with a farting bottle to get enough conditioner, my shower is less cluttered (or it will be once I take the unused bottles out) and I have noticed the two times I've used store bought shampoo and conditioner since switching, I've had a migraine the next day. Possible trigger? Who knows, but just not using it again sounds good to me.

So here is what I do:

I pre measure two tablespoons each baking soda and apple cider vinegar while the water is warming up. Then while in the shower I mix the baking soda with about 2 cups of water in a tupperware cup (because I'm clumsy and baking soda water is surprisingly slippery and that does not mix well with a Mason jar) and dump it on my head while rubbing it in. It was weird at first, not feeling any lather, and it didn't really FEEL clean like I was used to. I do not work the baking soda into the ends, they get clean just by it running over them. Then rinse the cup and hair well

Then I  mix the ACV and water in the cup, and let my ends soak in it for a minute, while I switch that shower head to a massaging spray and let my back relax. Hey why shouldn't a momma take a chance to relax? Just don't relax too much and forget that cup isn't holding a heavenly momma friendly drink! Don't ask why you need that warning......

Any-who, then I pour the remaining ACV water over the rest of my hair and let it soak while I go about other normal showerly duties like wiping down the shower walls (hey I'm a multi-tasker!) then rinse like normal.

Once my hair is dry some time the next day, I rub a tiny bit of coconut oil on the ends and brush thoroughly. Brushing I have found is the secret to this. The more I brush my hair the happier it is. I picked up this random brush at the grocery store because it combined two of my favorite types of brushes in one. It has the longer wider spaced de-tangling bristles and packed around those are little boar bristles to distribute the oil/shine.  If I brush my hair twice a day, it stays nice longer, and the oil travels down my hair keeping it healthy, shiny, less tangled, and less frizzy!

All in all, it's cheaper, healthier for me and the environment, more convenient, and makes my hair feel amazing!

This is definitely something that gets the #LissaSmiles

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